
With the launch of its new brand, Sketch aimed to redefine its identity, moving beyond its reputation as solely a Mac app. By emphasizing Sketch as a versatile workspace, the introduction of this feature extended the brand's vision online, facilitating seamless collaboration across various platforms.

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During storyboarding, I condensed the script into a concise narrative for a one-minute video while creating visual assets aligned with Sketch's new brand aesthetic. The video focused on text to convey its message, laying the foundation for a series of similar videos by Sketch.


Final Video

Collaborating closely with the motion design team, we brought the storyboard to life in the final video, effectively showcasing the functionality and significance of Workspaces within the Sketch ecosystem.


This project was a collaborative effort involving a team of talented individuals, particularly the motion design lead for their expertise in translating the narrative into captivating visuals, along with Marcelo Marfil for creative direction and the branding team for essential assets.